Immune System in the General Population

Immune System Functioning and Autism
People with Autism are More Likely to Have a Weakened Immune System Because of Both Genetic and Socio-Environmental Reasons
How To Boost Your Immune System and Mood if You Have Autism
Some great options for people with autism to lower stress levels, and boost your immune system and mood are:
Cuddling with your pet
Write fan-fiction, comic, poetry, song
Playing an instrument
Video chatting with loved ones
Online exercise videos
Online classes of interest
Do a puzzle
Dancing or singing like nobody’s watching
Listening to music that is uplifting and mood-boosting
Do online tournaments for chess and other games
Setting boundaries on how much and how often you consume information about COVID-19
Sticking to a routine can lower stress levels
Take this opportunity of sheltering in place to learn a new skill:
Play a new instrument
Learn how to sing, rap or beatbox
Practice new dance moves
Master a new video-game
Learn programming language
Start that blog you’ve been wanting to write
Learn how to play chess
Timely Autism Resources to Help You in the Coming Days
Consider Joining Our Online Autism Parent Support Group
Online Social Skills & Support Groups at Open Doors Therapy:
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Open Doors Therapy has moved to provide all their autism support groups online. We use a secure video platform to conduct our social skills groups and have seen great results with our participants. It’s almost like they are all together in our South Bay Autism Therapy Clinic.
Currently, we are offering the following online social skills groups for high-functioning teens and adults on the autism spectrum and autism parents in the State of California:
Begin Online Group Therapy for Autism in the State of California:
If you’re looking for an online social skills group and live in the state of California, we would love to speak with you about the many ways we can help you be successful. We have a variety of group therapy options and will help you determine which group would best fit your, or your child’s, unique needs. To begin online group therapy in California, please follow these steps:
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation appointment. During this video call, we will work to find a group that will best meet your unique needs during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
- Like me on Facebook. This will help you stay up-to-date on Open Doors Therapy and give you more information on our autism therapy services.
- Sign up to receive my newsletter. This contains useful information regarding living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or parenting a neurodiverse teen or young adult.
Other Services for the Neurodiverse at Open Doors Therapy:
Our South Bay Area autism therapy clinic serves high-functioning autistic adults and teens with autism. This includes people who identify as having Aspergers, high functioning autism, undiagnosed autism traits, etc. and their families.
Our counseling clinic offers a variety of autism therapy services including individual counseling for autistic teens and adults, and parent counseling. Also, our we offer several different social skills groups online for neurodiverse working professionals, college students with autistic traits, gifted youth & caregivers, autistic adults, women who identify as neurodiverse, a summer social skills college transition training program for youth transitioning to college, a mothers group, and an online parent support group. Please call or email our California counseling office for more information on how we can best serve you.
About the Author:
Dr. Tasha Oswald is a trained developmental and clinical psychologist. And, she is the founder and director of Open Doors Therapy, a private practice specializing in autism therapy services in the South Bay Area, near San Francisco, CA. Dr. Oswald specializes in helping neurodiverse teens and adults and facilitating social skills groups.