RSVP to Join a Workshop (In-Person or Webinar)
Free Workshop Monthly!
(In-Person or Webinar)
Open to the Community
Purpose of Workshops
- Empower neurodiverse adults and youth with autism traits, and their families
- Provide information, resources, and strategies to successfully manage challenges in adult life, reduce stress, improve relationships and life satisfaction, and achieve personal goals.
Workshops are presented by Dr. Tasha Oswald, Founder and Director of Open Doors Therapy, or guest speakers with professional expertise on the given topic.
All workshops are located at our office in Palo Alto, CA (Easy access to public transportation)
List of Upcoming Workshops
The Impact of Anxiety on Self-Advocacy & Employment in Neurodiverse Adults
Free Event
Saturday, February 23, 2019
1:00PM - 2:30PM
(Intended for Neurodiverse Adults Only)
This 1.5-Hour Workshop explores how anxiety and worry act as roadblocks for neurodiverse adults with autism traits, by preventing them from taking initiative and advocating for themselves in different settings, such as work, school, and in the community.
You might feel very nervous or uncomfortable at even the thought of going up to a manager, co-worker, or teacher and asking for help, or requesting an accommodation from work or school.
We discuss how to identify these roadblocks that stop you from getting your needs met, and strategies to help you overcome these roadblocks and gain more confidence in advocating for yourself. Refreshments provided.
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Helping Neurodiverse Youth Cope with Stress From Transitioning to Adulthood
Free Event
Rescheduled For:
Saturday, May 4, 2019
2:00PM - 3:30PM
(Intended for Neurodiverse Youth & Parents)
This 1.5-Hour Workshop guides neurodiverse youth and young adults (up to 35 yrs old, with autism traits or on the spectrum), and their families, in identifying signs of stress and anxiety, and how this stress leads to avoidance behavior that impacts their ability to transition into adult roles.
A very frustrating comment for a neurodiverse individual to hear is "It's no big deal, just relax". It's not that simple! This workshop goes into more detail about stress and anxiety, and the unhelpful ways it affects your body, what you do, and how you think. We'll review strategies to recognize your own signs of anxiety and how to reduce stress.
The workshop even offers training on cool new technology, including Muse Headbands, that allows you to identify signs of stress in your own body and how to manage it. Refreshments provided.
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Empowering Neurodiverse Adults to Overcome Barriers to Achieving Personal Goals
Free Event
Saturday, April 27, 2019
1:00PM - 2:30PM
(Intended for Neurodiverse Adults Only)
This 1.5-Hour Workshop explores underlying reasons why neurodiverse adults with autism traits may avoid participating more fully in different aspects of adult life, including making friends, building romantic relationships, and engaging in work or school.
As someone with autism traits, you may retreat to your safety zone, maybe your room or computer. Others struggle to understand this behavior. You're misunderstood as "unmotivated" or "lazy". When in a group of neurodiverse adults and I ask if you have ever been called lazy, the whole room fills with "Oh yeah!, Ah huh! Yup!" It can be eye-opening for you and your loved ones to understand this behavior in a new way.
Rather than lazy, we refer to it as avoidance behavior that serves an important function. It helps you tolerate the world you live in. But, this same behavior prevents you from living a fulfilling life. We explore strategies to increase comfort, achieve your personal goals, and live a life you find more fulfilling!
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Tools for Parents to Facilitate Their Neurodiverse Youth in Transitioning to Adulthood
Free Event
Saturday, May 18, 2019
1:00PM - 2:30PM
(Intended Only for Parents of Neurodiverse Youth & Adults)
This 1.5-Hour Workshop explores your communication, as a parent, with your neurodiverse son or daughter (with autism traits or on the spectrum) who is transitioning into adulthood.
The transition to adulthood can be particularly difficult years for parents to navigate, due to natural instincts to protect your child's safety and the desire to honor and promote your child's growing independence. These drives within you to protect yet encourage can often feel at odds.
Your relationship with your child might be filled with conflict or perhaps there is a growing distance between you. We explore with you helpful communication styles that allow you to honor your desire to love and protect your child, while simultaneously honor and respect your son or daughters's emerging independence. Refreshments provided.
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Please visit regularly, as our available free events continuously update.
Our goal is to provide support to the community, and we would love to hear from you about topics you would like to learn more about. Please contact Dr. Tasha Oswald to suggest topics for future workshops or to ask questions.
Dr. Tasha Oswald is also happy to provide talks to the community at different settings, such as high schools, colleges, and workplaces. Please contact Dr. Tasha Oswald to explore such opportunities.