Autism Resources
For Autistic Adults and Parents of Teens with Autism in California and beyond
The autism therapy team at Open Doors Therapy is dedicated to continuously providing tips and support to people with autism, their loved ones, and their providers. We know that it can be overwhelming to sift through the different resources available online. That is why we are carefully selecting relevant resources for you.
We also provide our own new content, which will appear here, in our newsletter, blogs, and on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Blogs, Books, Podcasts, and Magazines for Autistic Adults and Parents of Children on the Spectrum
Autism Blogs
For those of you looking to learn more about neurodiversity, reading blogs can really help. The autism therapists at Open Doors Therapy regularly write articles on a variety of topics on our autism therapy blog. Topics include, but are not limited to autism in the workplace, autistic women, dual identity of autistic and LGBTQIA+, teens on the spectrum, being an autism parent, masking, dating on the autism spectrum, social communication, self-doubt, anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Blogs For Autistic Adults & Teens
Books on Autism and Neurodiversity
There are several books we recommend for neurodiverse individuals and their families. This list includes:
- Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate A User Guide to An Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim
- Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Christine Fonseca
- Welcome to the Autistic Community by ASAN
Magazines about Neurodiversity:
Autism Podcasts:
- My Autism Tribe: The goal of this blog is to support and empower individuals with autism.
- Puzzle Peace Counseling: This podcast discusses creating a peaceful home while living with neurodiverse individuals.
- The Autism Podcast: The goal of this podcast is to increase society's understanding of autism, improve autism acceptance, and reduce the stigma surrounding neurodiversity. It gives the listener practical advice on everyday life and addresses socio-cultural and policy challenges encountered by the neurodivergent community.
- Autism Grown Up: This podcast discusses adjusting into adulthood as a neurodivergent individual.
- We Are All Beautifully Complex: Podcast was formatted called
- The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health: The ACAMH podcast addresses mental health and science and how it pertains to neurodiversity.
- The Teachable Soul: On this podcast, you will find episodes on autism and some that are more focused on things like boundaries, life skills, self-improvement-type topics
- Springbrook's Converge Autism Radio: A podcast geared towards parents and professionals who support children on the autism spectrum
YouTube Videos for Autistic Individuals and Autism Parents:
Presentations and Ted Talks by Autism Specialists
- Autistic Adult TedX Talk. Tom Stratton shares how he used his autistic strengths to help him build strong friendships.
- Life Interrupted: Managing Stress and Anxiety during a Global Pandemic. A Special Seminar by Stanford Neurodiversity Project (Start video presentation at 9 mins and 25 seconds)
- Anxiety Management and Autism. Includes tips for coping with stress and anxiety from Dr. Chris Lynch.
- Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training
IFS Specific Resources
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is the preferred therapy model used at Open Doors Therapy. Therefore, we wanted to provide you with additional IFS resources.
IFS Directories:
IFS Directory of People of Color Practitioners and Therapists
IFS Support Groups:
Capacity Development Program (CDP)
IFS Books:
- You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For by Richard Schwartz
- Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life by Tom Holmes
- Be the One to Heal Yourself by Beth Rogerson, PhD
Online IFS Resources:
- IFS Growth Programs
- IFS Institute
- Internal Family Systems Therapy Online
Conor McMillen’s IFS YouTube Channel
IFS Podcasts:
The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) podcast by Tammy Sollenberger
Resources for Individuals who Identify as LGBTQIA and Autistic
Online Resources
The Outlet
- Support groups for children and teens
- Support groups for young adults
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN)
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN)
Final Thoughts
As autism experts, we understand that coordinating mental health care can be a challenge, especially as a neurodiverse individual or autism parent. So, if you need any support please don't hesitate to reach out to our autism therapy clinic located in Palo Alto, CA. We would be honored to support you in this journey.