If you are a parent of a twice-exceptional child, I see you. I know you are tired. I know you feel undervalued and overworked. I know you sometimes feel like you’re doing everything wrong. But I also want you to know that you are amazing. You are managing so much every day, and often under very difficult circumstances.…
Understanding High-Functioning Autism
As an autism expert, I was recently asked to define high-functioning autism. However, that term is more nuanced than you may expect. So today, I will offer some insight into neurodiversity and the terms associated with autism.
High-functioning Autism vs. Low-functioning Autism
Society and the medical community’s understanding of autism have evolved over the last 50 years.…
Tips for Autism Parents with Twice-Exceptional Teens
Twice-Exceptional Teens & Adults with Autism: ASD and the Problem With Avoidance
Welcome back to my blog series. The prior blogs in my series discussed challenges, misconceptions and parenting of a twice-exceptional teen or adult with autism. This week we will explore the problem with avoidance in individuals with ASD. Avoidance is the common go-to strategy for handling challenging situations for many twice-exceptional teens and adults with autism.
…Twice-Exceptional Teens & Adults with Autism: Parenting a Twice-Exceptional Child
Welcome back to my blog series on twice-exceptional teens and adults. Last week, we explored self-defeating beliefs and misconceptions. This week we will explore how to support yourself and your twice-exceptional loved one.
Parents of autistic individuals need their own support during their child’s late high school years and transition to adulthood.…
Twice-Exceptional Teens & Adults with Autism: People with Autism Are Misunderstood
Welcome back to my blog series discussing twice-exceptional teens and adults. This week we will further explore self-defeating and negative misconceptions of a twice-exceptional teen or adult with autism.
Last week I introduced and explored the concept of uneven profiles in twice-exceptional people. I discussed how the uneven cognitive and behavioral profile shows up in people with autism and Asperger’s.…
Twice-Exceptional Teens & Adults with Autism: Specialist Thinkers
Welcome to this month’s blog series that discusses teens and adults who are twice-exceptional. This means, they are both gifted and on the autism spectrum. In this series, I will discuss what it is like being twice-exceptional, the challenges and strengths of this profile, and supporting a loved one who is twice-exceptional.…