Welcome back to my blog series about women with autism. First, I wrote about female autism advocates I admire. Then, in my prior blog, I wrote about how so many women with autism are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. Honestly, it can be challenging for many professionals to diagnose a woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But why? Today, I will discuss why many well-trained professionals overlook an autism diagnosis.
1. Autism Can Look Like Social Anxiety or Shyness
2. Girls and Women with Autism Tend to Mask Their Autistic Traits
3. Girls Are Expected to Be Polite and Have Good Manners
4. Bullying May Cause Other Diagnoses, like Depression
There is Hope For Women with Autism
At any age, there is hope! I contributed to an article about 8 signs of autism that are usually missed. Usually, these women feel relieved to receive an autism diagnosis. It just helps them make sense of their lives. They can reevaluate their life through the autism lens.
Throughout their life, many autistic women were blamed and shamed for their behavior and their family, school staff, and medical professionals did not understand how these were autism traits that were needing support, not shame and judgment.
Our Women’s Group Provides Support for Women with Autism
Other things you will discuss in the women’s group:
- The issues that matter to you as a neurodiverse women
- Helpful tips for making new friends, initiating conversations, and dating
- Self-care and relaxation tools to help you cope with sensory overload
- Autism resources available in the Bay Area
Begin Therapy for Women with Autism in LA
- Reach out to Open Doors Therapy in Palo Alto and schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation with a therapist,
- Join us for a 1-hour intake meeting with an autism specialist. In this meeting, you will get more information about the Women’s Group so you can make sure it is a good fit for you.
- Join the Women’s Group to meet other women with autistic traits in the South Bay Area!
Other Autism Services at Open Doors Therapy
Our Palo Alto/Bay Area counseling clinic specializes in providing services for high-functioning neurodiverse individuals and their families. We help those who identify as having Asperger’s, high-functioning autism, ASD, undiagnosed autism traits, etc. Therefore, our autism counseling services include individual therapy, parent counseling, and group therapy. Additionally, we offer several group therapy options that include college students with autistic traits, working professionals with autism, neurodiverse adults, young adults with autism, women who identify as neurodiverse, and neurodiverse youth & caregivers. Lastly, I have been writing blog posts. My goal is to give individuals with autism more information and resources. Please reach out to our autism therapy clinic to discuss our services and learn more about the many ways we can support you or your loved one.
About the Author
Dr. Tasha Oswald is a trained developmental and clinical psychologist. And, she is the founder and director of Open Doors Therapy, a private practice specializing in autism therapy services in the South Bay Area, near San Francisco, CA. Dr. Oswald specializes in helping neurodiverse teens and adults and facilitating social skills groups.