You’re neurodiverse, and finally realizing that it is a superpower more than a “disability.” Now if your boss would only see it that way. You may have asked for accommodations in the past only to have your request brushed aside by your boss or HR. The accommodations you need may have been seen as unnecessary.…
Assumptions About Neurodiversity and Autism
“But you don’t SEEM autistic!”
“Don’t all autistic people have sensory issues?”
“But you can make eye contact!”
“You have too many friends to be autistic!”
Identifying Your Strengths as a Neurodivergent Individual
“I’m flawed, broken, defective.”
These are common sentiments voiced by individuals with autism. It’s very common for neurodivergent individuals to downplay the strengths they possess. This is very understandable after years of invalidation and feelings of shame. But, as an autism therapist, I am in an incredibly unique position to witness the profound strengths my neurodivergent clients have. …
Autism and the Trouble with Comparison
Have you ever heard the quote “comparison is the thief of joy?” This popular quote from C.S. Lewis rings true, especially in the context of my work as an autism therapist. It’s very common for neurodivergent individuals to negatively compare themselves to neurotypicals. Even when they excel at something or possess a very important character trait, they downplay it because they don’t view it as being important.…
Why it is Important to be Self-Aware When You’re on the Autism Spectrum
Self-awareness is a term you hear thrown around a lot. But, what does it actually mean? Generally speaking, self-awareness is being aware of all aspects of yourself. This includes your personality traits, feelings, body sensations, actions, and intentions.
As an individual with autism you may be wondering, how do I become self-aware and why is it important?…
Navigating Sensory Sensitivities During the Holiday Season
The holidays can be hard when you have certain sensory sensitivities. Perhaps, you dislike crowds, certain potent holiday smells, loud noises, flashing lights, or itchy holiday sweaters. Whatever your sensory sensitivities may be, the holidays seem to make them worse. In fact, you to teeter on the brink of an autism meltdown from Halloween through New Year’s Day.…
How Autism Masking Drains Your Social Battery and Affects Relationships
“I mask from the time I get up to the time I go to bed all day, every day.”
As an individual on the autism spectrum, you’ve likely experienced relationship challenges. Frequently, the challenges come from misunderstandings and disagreements surrounding getting your needs and priorities met. After frequent issues continue to occur, you may have lost confidence in your ability to have a successful relationship.…
Autism and Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is defined as: “A lack of faith in oneself: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about one’s abilities, actions, etc.”
Self-doubt is a very common emotion. Everyone experiences it from time to time. However, individuals with autism experience self-doubt to an extreme degree due to trauma from their past experiences.…
Why It’s So Hard To Ask For Help When You’re On The Autism Spectrum
As a neurodivergent individual, asking for help can be frightening. Throughout your life you may have reached out to others for help, only to be shut down, misunderstood, or invalidated. Or perhaps, the people in your life have tried to help you, but the advice they offer is not neurotypical and therefore, not necessarily appropriate for someone on the autism spectrum.…
Autistic Burnout in the Workplace
Lately, we’ve had lots of clients tell us that they’re struggling at work. They’re having a hard time paying attention and completing tasks, they feel restless or distracted, they dread going to work in the morning, and overall they feel irritable. These are all signs of burnout.
Professional burnout makes life extremely challenging.…